Land North of Chingford Road, Bilborough

Public Consultation

Technical Evidence

The application will be accompanied by a comprehensive suite of environmental and technical studies.


To assess the proposed developmentā€™s impact on existing transport infrastructure, a Transport Assessment will be submitted alongside the planning application.

Initial research has outlined that there will be a relatively even split of development traffic to the east and west of the site access junction on Chingford Road. It is unlikely that the development will generate more than 30 two-way trips at any local junction. Given the low existing flows on Chingford Road, capacity issues are not expected at the site access junction.

In terms of parking, the proposed level of provision takes into account the sustainability criteria for the site and satisfies the required parking standards of Nottingham City Council.

Flood Risk and Drainage

The site is within Flood Zone 1. A Flood Risk Assessment will accompany the planning application, which will demonstrate that development could proceed without being subject to significant flood risk.

A Drainage Strategy will also be submitted alongside the planning application to demonstrate that the site can be successfully and sustainably drained. Nottingham City Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority alongside the Environment Agency will be consulted on the proposals in terms of whether the scheme is acceptable from a flood risk and drainage perspective.


There are a number of nearby listed buildings which form part of the north-western boundary, these include St Martins Church, St Martins Rectory and St Martins Cottages. The setting and character of the listed buildings will be assessed and views protected and enhanced as necessary as part of the scheme. An expanse of open space will be provided in the north west of the site to provide a buffer to and to help protect the setting of these heritage assets.

Ecology and Trees

A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal has been undertaken to support the application and concludes that the site is of low ecological value. There are also no designated sites within the survey area. Hedgerows, vegetation and trees bordering the site have bat roosting and bird nesting potential; the finalised layout of the proposed development will therefore take this into consideration.

An Arboricultural Survey and Report has also been completed to support the application. The survey recorded 28 individual trees with none identified in the site boundary as being protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). The majority of trees surveyed were Category C trees which are of low quality and value.